Stephanie was born and raised in Brazil by her mother. Despite the American traits inherited by her father, she is Brazilian with pride. She has always enjoyed eating healthy food, and taking care of her body and overall health. However, this got stronger within her after she faced big frustrations with her boyfriend and a few of her friends at the time. The gym then became a refuge, and as one thing leads to the other, she found the confidence and inner strength to show up for herself every day at the gym.

Throughout her life, Stephanie encountered a lot of challenges that shaped her to be a strong, independent woman. She moved to the United States when she was 20. The first years in the U.S. weren’t easy. In Kansas, where she went to school, she spent most of her time alone. A time that forced her to look inward. A time that forced her to connect with herself, to find peace and happiness not outside, but inside of her.

Three mains lessons she has learned so far:

  1. We MUST own the responsibility of showing up for ourselves everyday. No one else can do it for us.
  2. No matter how many hands are extended towards you ready to pull you up from the rock bottom if you are not ready to extend your own hands back. AND THAT takes courage.
  3. You will only see results through habits. Not perfect ones, but executed ones.

BSA was born to show you, your friends, your mother, your grandmother that is never too late to show up, to lift your head up, extend your arms back and reborn from all the struggles and challenges you have ever faced.